Like all other states in the United States, Wyoming is bound by general federal statutes that protect the public while ensuring parties to a contract adhere to the agreement. Jobs in construction are no exception. Therefore, the state has its own guidelines and laws regulating the field.
Wyoming Building Codes.
Firstly, It is worth appreciating that Wyoming state provides building codes that create a foundation for compliance in the construction industry. The state has adopted different Construction codes; some are enforced locally while sticking to state-wide codes and editions of code.
State-wide Building codes adopted in Wyoming include:
- State Licensing
- State Code
- State Licensing Division
- State Fire Marshall
- State Environmental Permit
Other codes adopted include:
- 2018 International Building Code(IBC)
- 2018 International Existing Building Code(IEBC)
- 2018 International Plumbing Code(IPC)
- 2018 International Fire Codes(IFC)
- 2018 International Mechanical Code(IMC)
- 2018 International Fuel Gas Code(IFGC)
- 2020 National Electrical Code(NEC)
These codes supplement the construction laws put in place, which primarily safeguard the interests of the homeowner, contractor, subcontractor, and other service providers.
Applications of Construction Laws in Wyoming.
It is not rare that disputes arise between parties to a contract, especially concerning jobs in construction. Construction laws step in to remedy the issues while regulating the terms. Some common scenarios include:
- Breach of Contract
In Wyoming, any cases involving breach of contract should be filed within ten or eight years for written and oral contracts, respectively. It is required that before either of the parties asserts a claim, they reach their end of the bargain.
2. Breach of Warranty
When the client (in this case construction owner) is dissatisfied with the quality of work, they can get the contractor accountable. However, the law does not hold the latter liable for defects due to owners’ plans and specifications.
3. Fraud and Misrepresentation
Cases involving fraud and misinterpretation require convincing evidence as proof of information falsification. These acts often occur before the execution of the contract; thus, the affected party can claim compensation.
4. Delay Damages as a consequence of a breach of contract
Most jobs in construction establish the way forward upon loss of time for performance. Contractors in Wyoming can claim compensation for such damages caused by others. That means that if the contractor delays at any time in the commencement or progress of the job due to negligence by the owner or other professional onsite, then they are not liable.
Other crucial laws affecting jobs in construction in the state include the negligent selection of independent contractors and a breach of the implied covenant. Professional construction companies such as Kilgore Companies play a considerable role in ensuring that the terms of the contract safeguard their companies while protecting their employees per the law.