Both water and sports drinks contain electrolytes and carbohydrates but have different purposes. The main difference is that sports drinks contain sugar, which helps give you energy during exercise. On the other hand, water provides more electrolytes and carbohydrates to stay hydrated when working hard on jobs in construction such as Kilgore Companies.
Sports drinks help replace sodium and chloride lost in sweat
If you’re sweating through working in the hot sun, you’re losing electrolytes like sodium and chloride. These minerals play a critical part in maintaining hydration balance. In addition, athletes can easily meet their daily requirements with sports drinks during training or competition. Still, construction workers may be unable to replace enough sodium during work hours, so water alone isn’t enough for this group.
According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA), an adult male should consume about 2,300 mg/day of sodium from food sources. However, most Americans get considerably less than that on average. This is due to low-sodium diets and chronic dehydration caused by sweat loss during exercise or labor.
If you’re an average worker, you probably don’t need a sports drink
Sports drinks are for athletes and people who work out for longer at a time. Water will always be better than any sugary sports drink if you get thirsty during an intense workout. If it’s been over half-hour since your last sip of water or snack break and you start feeling tired or dizzy—maybe even experience nausea—you may need some electrolyte replacement because your body has started burning through its internal energy stores during exercise by converting glycogen into glucose via gluconeogenesis.
Drinking too much water isn’t good for you either
Drinking excess water can also cause problems while on jobs in construction. Hyponatremia is when the body has too little sodium and too much water, causing low blood pressure. It usually happens when athletes drink too much water during strenuous workouts, but it can also occur due to excessive amounts of plain water for any reason.
Symptoms include nausea, headache, fatigue, confusion, and irritability, in severe cases requiring hospitalization. The dangers associated with hyponatremia are more common than you might think. Between 1996 and 2006, there were at least 21 deaths due to this condition among ultramarathon runners alone!
Choose water if you’re doing normal work, and add salt to your meals
With all jobs in construction, you must drink water and replenish your body with electrolytes. But how much?
The quantity of water you need depends on the type of work you are doing. For example, if you are doing a light job like painting or pouring concrete, then one gallon of water per hour is enough. However, two gallons per hour is recommended if you’re doing heavy work, such as cutting down trees or lifting heavy concrete blocks around the site.