How Does Heat Affect Concrete?

construction jobs
construction jobs

Concrete is an incredibly durable material hence its use in most modern construction projects. The durability of concrete refers to its ability to resist weather conditions, chemical attacks, and abrasion. Construction jobs for Kilgore Companies may include laying concrete in hot weather or concreting. Therefore, it helps to understand how heat affects concrete.


Temperature variations will lead to changes in the volume of the concrete depending on the degree of change. Heat will increase the volume of concrete, which can have intriguing consequences.

If the concrete is unrestricted, an increase in volume will not have much effect. However, concrete is often restricted by the foundation, reinforcements, and other connecting elements where a volume change can lead to significant stress in the concrete leading to cracking.

When temperatures are above 95 degrees celsius (203 degrees Fahrenheit), the effect of heat on the concrete becomes apparent. When working construction jobs, you should know that fire is the leading cause of such temperature increases, and you should check for cracks in the concrete after such heat exposure.

Loss of Strength

High-temperature exposure will also lead to a negative effect on the comprehensive strength of concrete. Concrete is used in construction mainly for its strength and durability, so high temperatures erode its most durable quality.

When you expose the concrete to temperatures above 100 degrees celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit), the cement paste will lose water. The heat will gradually weaken the paste and the concrete bond.

A color change can often be observed in concrete when it reaches a particular point. Concrete with limestone cement turns pink at about 300 degrees Celsius (570 degrees Fahrenheit).

Heat has an interesting effect on concrete. The two most apparent effects heat has on concrete are cracking and loss of strength. Learn more about concrete to work construction jobs for Kilgore Companies.